Crane Authentication recently welcomed Yann Ischi, who joined the organization as Vice President of Product Authentication.
With over 20 years of robust authentication knowledge, Yann most recently comes from U-NICA and brings a wealth of expertise in the brand protection and product authentication markets.
Having held a variety of roles within the product authentication space, Yann has an extensive background in product strategy, marketing, and business development. We recently sat down with Yann to learn more about him and asked a few questions about why he wanted to become a brand protector.
Question: Yann, we are so happy to have you join the team at Crane Authentication. You have an impressive career which started with a microtechnology engineering degree. What makes you passionate about being a brand protector?
Yann Ischi: About 20 years ago, with an engineering background, I had the chance to integrate the high security printing industry with the development of new security features which I found to be an amazing learning experience.
It is very exciting to work in the trust economy, particularly now, in a world with so much uncertainty and complexity. Authentication technologies contribute to trust - and it is as simple as that. As customers we want to be able to trust the products we purchase. And it is the brand’s responsibility to ensure their products can be trusted by customers.
Fake products can cause health hazards and they fund illegal activity. Counterfeiters are criminals, and it’s our duty to provide the tools to fight illicit trade effectively.
Question: Counterfeiters are definitely criminals that need to be stopped. How does Crane Authentication have an edge in the industry to stop criminals?
Yann Ischi: Crane is no stranger to product authentication. For over two decades, we have been producing on-package micro-optic labels to help brands protect their customers and reputations.
Overt security features, particularly PROFOUND™ Micro-Optics, provide a distinct purpose when it comes to identifying a genuine product – Crane’s technology is the only solution that doesn’t need lengthy actions or smartphones, the authentication is immediate, fast, simple, and inclusive to all, anywhere.
Crane Authentication is pushing the authentication experience to an unprecedented technological level, with eye catching, simple, secure, and beautifully designed security labels.
Question: How does Crane help protect brands better than others in the industry? What is its niche?
Yann Ischi: Customer feedback has shown that applying PROFOUND™ Micro-Optic labels brings value to brands by demonstrating that they care about their customers. As I mentioned before, customers value trust above all else when interacting with a branded product. By being distinctive and anti-copy, PROFOUND™ labels provide that trust.
Question: What industries use Crane Authentication products?
Yann Ischi: Protecting your most valuable assets is more important than ever. What are those one may ask. A brand’s most important asset is its customers.
With the growing counterfeiting epidemic that extends across a multitude of global industries, brands are realizing financial and brand value losses, and more importantly, added risk to consumer health and safety.
The need for security labels is increasing every day. Top brands and companies that are focusing on the global market and exporting products in multiple regions of the world via complex supply chains are the primary target of criminal organizations. These are the types of brands and industries that work with us to provide proof of authenticity and integrity to their customers.
Question: What is multi-layered brand protection? How does Crane perfect it?
Yann Ischi: In simple terms, a multi-layered brand protection strategy is when a brand rightfully targets specific and cost-effective authentication technologies to various groups of users without disclosing what they are to others.
For instance, a brand’s customers, internal investigation team, stakeholders within the supply chain, police and customs officers may use different multi-layered solutions to address counterfeits.
Crane integrates several levels of security technology into PROFOUND™ labels depending on a customer’s strategy and activities.
Understanding Brand Protection and Trust with Yann Ischi